Wednesday, June 30, 2010

This is the end...and the beginning

While free dance performances can be, admittedly, hit or miss -- particularly if you are not familiar with the performers or the choreographer -- tonight's performance will assuredly be interesting and potentially awesome. My lovely friend Laurie B will be performing and I have never ever ever been bored at one of her shows.

CHRISTINE ELMO: This is the end
with performances by Laurie Berg, Megan Byrne, Jessica Cook, Elle Erdman & Janet
Wednesday, June 30, 8 pm
Kate Werble Gallery
83 Vandam Street

Whether on or off the proscenium, performance is happening. Identities are concepts inherited through a person's DNA. How those concepts manifest in time and space is the performance. In Elmo's most recent work, she uses extractions from your unison uses unicorns and her own DNA, both physical and abstract components to create a performance of a performance to be performed in an environment reserved for performance.

This is the end
has been created on the premise that authenticity is an illusion rather than a reality. This is the end strives to not-strive for utopia. This is the end is non-repetitive pop. This is the end is a collection of peacocks, unicorns, pirates, parrots, shooting stars and singing men. This is the end is a social experiment that engages the directed performer and the voluntary audience in an environment that acknowledges what happens beyond the designed environment is all just the same.

Christine Elmo is a NY-based artist who writes and uses dance, text, bodies and inanimate objects to create performance that hyper-accentuates the 4th wall. Her live work has been presented with AUNTS, The Bruce High Quality Foundation, The Bryant Lake Bowl (MN), Dance Theater Workshop, Dixon Place, Kate Werble Gallery, Live Sh**, The Poetry Project and at the Sirály in Budapest. Her video work has been presented in Galway, Ireland.

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